Radioisotope Research Center
in Nagoya Univ.

Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya, Aichi 464-8602, Japan
Administration Office 052(789)2563
Radiation Safety Office 052(789)2565
(Fax) 052(789)2567

Japanese  English

Opening Hours

1. Year calendar

  • Terms
  • First term: April 2 - July 31
    Second term: August 16 - December 24
    Third term: January 8 - March 27

  • Closed Days
  • March 28 - April 1,
    August 1 - 15,
    December 25 - January 7

    Any provisional changes to closed days will be announced on our web site.


2. Opening hours

  • Monday - Friday
  • 9:00 - 17:00

  • Office hours of Radiation Safety Office
  • 9:00 - 17:00 (12:00-13:00 off duty)


3. Operation on holidays or overtime work

  • Overtime RI handling only by undergraduates is prohibited. They should be cooperated with their leader who is registered as a group.

  • Provisional application for the expected extra-operation
  • If you plan the overtime radiation work during the academic terms, we can accept the application form filled in all extra working days/hours together before the day of your RI operation.

  • Daily application for an accidental overtime work
  • If you prolong accidentally your operation at and after 17:00, you should submit the application form until 16:00 and get approval from Radiation Safety Office.


4. Radiation works during the closed days

We check thoroughly our radiation facilities during the closed days. Radiation works on these days are prohibited. However, some of the experiments without RI handlings might be acceptable. Please contact with our staffs.